Adding Years to Life & Life to Years.
Tackling Diabetes in the UK and Pakistan.
Adding Years to Life & Life to Years.
Tackling Diabetes in the UK and Pakistan.
Tackling Diabetes in the UK and Pakistan.
Tackling Diabetes in the UK and Pakistan.
SJF was established in 2006 and addresses abject poverty and disadvantage in both the UK and Pakistan through health, education and livelihood.
Around 33M people in Pakistan are known to suffer from Type 2 diabetes. In the UK, around 3M people suffer from Type 2 diabetes, with 11% being British Asian, who are six times more likely to suffer from diabetes than White people. If not treated, this condition could lead to heart attacks, strokes, kidney failures and losing eye sights.
Our current priority at SFJ is TACKLING DIABETES by:
Please donate and help tackle diabetes in UK and Pakistan.
We love our customers, so feel free to visit during normal business hours.
38 Vicar Lane
Bradford BD1 5LD
Contact no. 01274 545000
Mon-Fri 9am-5pm